Quantum Serenity

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I have modified Reinhold Neibuhr’s original prayer to combat the amount of quantum rubbish that now vastly exceeds the hype of AI and ML:

 Preskill: Quantum Supremacy = Tayur: Quantum Serenity.

I now plan to include this prayer in my quantum-related presentations – two upcoming ones are on June 4thand June 7th.  Yes, in my NSF Engineering Distinguished Lecture. 😏

A very exciting update is that both winners of 2020 Tayur Prize will be presenting at IEEE Summer Topicals Conference (virtual, July 19-21, 2021) of the IEEE Photonics Society!

Another exciting update is that our Quantum Integer Programming (QuIP) Course 47-779, offered by Tepper School of Business, will be cross listed in CMU’s ECE Department for Fall 2021, and expanded to include topics on Quantum Machine Learning, with Elias joining me as a co-instructor. You can see see the 2020 lecture notes as a wonderful flip-book.

If you missed a VC-panel I moderated earlier this month (organized by CMU’s Mechanical Engineering Department, as part of Scientific Machine Learning series, led by Venkat and Dilip), we are planning to make the edited transcript available soon. Stay tuned.

My Quantum Serenity prayer is quite flexible:

Quantum Computing: speedup. Quantum Cryptography: security. Quantum Sensing: accuracy. Quantum Communication: capacity.

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