Supply Chain for Quantum Technologies

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Yes, you read that right. This is not Quantum Computing for Supply Chain –  the algorithms and applications that I have been working on, such as GAMA –  but its maximally inverse. 😊

Repurposing Woolf’s opening in Women and Fiction (from her essay collection, Granite & Rainbow):

The title of this post can be read in two ways: it may allude to supply chains that contain challenging optimization problems well-suited for quantum computing application, or to supply chains that create components to build a quantum computer. The ambiguity is intentional.

I was enjoying an Indian Summer this past Wednesday – a delicious Southwestern Salad, lunching outdoors at Generoasta in Warrendale – when I received an email from a reporter from NextGov to comment on the recent GAO report (to the Congressional Addressees) on Quantum Computing and Communications, which I recommend to folks who want to get a quick non-technical overview of this emerging space, and you can read some of my thoughts in:

GAO Study Stresses Need for Steady Funding of Quantum Tech

The timing of the email was particularly poetic because Wednesday is already my weekly scheduled Quantum Day (link to Tepper Quantum Computing website):

9-10 am. Quantum + Communications.

10-11 am. Quantum + Cancer Genomics.

4-5 pm. Quantum + Finance.

I can relate to Thoreau (you know from God: Omni-Channel Retailer that I enjoy reading New England Transcendalists):

My life has been the poem I would have writ,

But I could not both live and utter it.

My Poetic Life? ☺️





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