Four Quantums and a Classical

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Four Weddings and a Funeral is a 1994 British romantic comedy. The film was made in six weeks, cost under £3 million, and became an unexpected success and the highest-grossing British film in history at the time, with worldwide box office total of $245.7 million, and receiving Academy Award nominations for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. The film’s success propelled Hugh Grant to international stardom, particularly in the United States.

We just finished teaching Quantum Integer Programming and Machine Learning on Monday, December 12th. What can be a more maximally inverse journal to discuss quantum? This is the New Yorker piece that appeared online on the same day:

Will the US or China get there first?

I covered the US v China topic, just in the last post, in Authority and the Individual.😏

You know from Indianapolis 50 that the tutorial Five Starter Pieces: Quantum Information Science via Semi-definite Programs (that I first mentioned in Śrīdhara Brāhmaṇa: QSD via SDP) was recorded. It is now available on YouTube:

Our (hardware) paper on Optimization with Photonic Wave-based Annealers (that I was ecstatic about in November 24: 1664 and 2021) is available online. You may find the Table of Contents of this special issue informative.

Our article aimed at executives encouraging them to explore quantum – Treasure at the Top of the Pyramid – will also be available online soon.

What about Classical?

I was wondering if it should be on supply chainTrue. No Lies! – as our paper won the MSOM Best Paper Award.

Or, should it be on Organ TransplantationTo Split, or not to Split – as it won INFORMS PSOR Best Paper Award? Within Organ Transplantation, should it instead be the paper that was accepted in AJT where we propose exception points bring gender equity in liver allocation? Or, the Nudge paper that was accepted in POM – Making Death Enhance Life – with videos actually in use at various OPOs increasing the supply of tissues and organs? What about OrganJet – À la recherche de moins de temps – that continues to help folks obtain difficult transplants (and the one that initiated my research in the area in the first place)?

Too serious, I figured. You know my views on The Importance of Being Playful.

Just as I was musing about what to do, I received an email (you know who you are!) with a poem created about me created on, yes, ChatGPT. Perfect!

Now, getting ready for soccer. Messi is in. Mbappe or Morocco?


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