It Goes On!

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Robert Frost:

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.

Following a magnificent week and weekend (Hello, Broadway!), I was ecstatic to receive a card, from a MBA student who just graduated, that was slipped under the door of my Tepper office.

I don’t usually reflect upon teaching, although it is an important part of my professional life.

(I joined CMU in 1991.)

I haven’t taught undergraduates since 1996, when I received tenure. I have received a Teaching Award.

(I became a Full Professor in 1998.)

It was great to bump into many alumni – especially the MBA Class of 1999, thank you for selecting me for the George Leland Bach Award and Top Professor in Business Week – at the recent Alumni reunion where I gave a presentation on The Second Quantum Revolution.

(In 2000, I became Founder and CEO of SmartOps.)

Executive Education? See Meditation on McKinsey. And: Literally in Love with You.

(In 2011, Darden wrote a case about SmartOps, and in 2013, Harvard wrote a case about OrganJet. See: À la recherche de Dieu à Harvard)

                    PhD students? Of course, it was great to meet a few in person at the 2024 POMS Conference (Live Like You Were Dying?). What is a Prize for advising them?

I received an Endowed Chair in 2003. (See Conversational Vita).

 You know (see Riches to RAGS) that we have endowed the RAGS Foundation Institute Chair and Undergraduate Tayur Prize at IIT Madras, MBA Fellowships at CMU and a PhD Fellowship at Cornell in honor of my PhD advisor Robin Roundy.

This year, not only did one more of my PhD students, Tinglong Dai receive an Endowed Chair, also two PhD students (Sriram Narayanan and Pelin Pekgun) of my PhD students (Jay Swaminathan and Pinar Keskinocak), who themselves hold Endowed Chairs, received Endowed Chairs!

It goes on!

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