On Monday earlier this week, I was finalizing our paper on Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers (from Google, IBM, Rigetti), a different paradigm from Adiabatic Quantum Computations (AQC, from D-Wave, on which we have several papers),
Knuth Bendix Completion Algorithm and Shuffle Algebras for Compiling NISQ Circuits
when I received a call from CMU Provost Jim Garrett informing me that I was elected to the rank of
University Professor.😏
Just a few days earlier, Georgia Perakis and I had received an email from Ozge Sahin:
Thank you again for agreeing to speak at the POMS Doctoral Consortium on May 4 (Saturday)…I have included questions targeted to your panel… The format of the panel is open, please feel free to choose which questions you’d like to address and decide on the format…
Several of the questions from the students, not surprisingly, were on
how to balance research, teaching and impact
as they build their academic career.
My academic Cursus Honorum is, mirabile dictu, a direct result of the intertwining of mathematical research, real-world implementations and teaching:
1991: Appointed as Assistant Professor (without tenure).
IPA Derivative technique for Multi-Echelon Inventory Systems
FYI: “Multi-echelon” was “supply chain” avant la lettre.
Papers (sample paths, anti-matroids, Schur-convexity) from PhD Thesis on Kanban Systems published
Implemented Kanban and Lean methods for short, reliable Lead Time quotation at GE
Published papers (adaptive adversary, stochastic dynamic programming) on Reliable Lead Time quotation
Awarded Undergraduate Teaching Award
Grobner Basis (algebraic geometry) methods for Stochastic Scheduling Problems
Randomized Polynomial Time Algorithm (using rapidly mixing Markov Chains) for Convex Optimization
1994: Promoted to Associate Professor (without tenure).
Implemented Vanilla Boxes at IBM (using IPA and Stochastic Programming with Recourse)
My first PhD Student wins INFORMS Nicholson Prize
Implemented MILP Algorithm for Fractional Jet Scheduling at Raytheon (acquired by Flight Options)
1996: Promoted to Associate Professor (with Tenure).
Grobner Basis methods for Integer Programs (Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz yields Weak duality!)
Implemented Rapid-Response Supply Chain at Caterpillar (using IPA and Stochastic Inventory models)
1998: Promoted to Full Professor.
Edited Handbook on Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management
“Consultant to the Firm” of McKinsey & Company
Executive Education on Internet-based Supply Chains for McKinsey
First Prize in INFORMS Teaching Case Competition (on Scheduling Private Jets)
Awarded MBA Teaching Award
Founded (and became CEO of) SmartOps Corporation
Advisor and limited partner (LP) in a private equity (PE) fund
2003: Received an Endowed Chair Professorship.
Implemented SmartOps at Deere (that saved them over $1 Billion in four years)
Implemented Seasonal Logistics Strategy at Deere (MILP plus Stochastic Inventory Theory)
Implemented Product Line Rationalization at Deere (Constrained Programming and MILP)
Implemented SmartOps at Caterpillar
Implemented Lane Strategy, Bundling and Pricing at Caterpillar
Implemented algorithms for scheduling ads in video games at Massive (acquired by Microsoft)
PhD Student wins INFORMS Dantzig Prize for best PhD Thesis
Implemented Production Planning at ConAgra Foods (40+ factories)
Darden Case Study on SmartOps (resold by HBS)
Sold SmartOps to SAP
Founded OrganJet Corporation and GuardianWings
HBS Case Study on OrganJet and GuardianWings
Guest Lectures at HBS and HKS
OrganJet paper published in Management Science (uses queuing games) wins INFORMS Pierskalla Prize
Invited to the White House by President Obama for innovative contributions in Organ Transplantation
Angel Investor and advisor in startups
Papers on Omni-channel retailing (IPA!) and Online-to-Offline Platforms
Advisor and limited partner (LP) in a venture capital (VC) fund
“Dark side of global supply chains”: Combating Counterfeiting, Child Labor
Edited Handbook of Healthcare Analytics
Collaboration with NASA Quantum AI Lab (QuAIL)
Algebraic Geometry compiling framework for Adiabatic Quantum Computions (AQC)
Fundamental analysis of AQC using Morse Homology, Cerf Theory and Differential Geometry
Graver basis and hybrid quantum-classical approach for non-linear integer optimization
Knuth-Bendix and Shuffle Algebras for Quantum Circuit Compilation on NISQ computers
2019: Elected as University Professor.
I wrote about a bunch of this stuff in my invited article An Essay on Operations Management. You may enjoy it!